JNDC Chicago News

“Everyone seemed to enjoy it thoroughly, and for those of us who grew up in WRP it brought back such vivid memories,” said Diane Rosenfeld, event chair. Beverly Siegel, the

Sign the petition to bring Trader Joe’s to West Rogers Park https://www.ipetitions.com/petition/bring-trader-joes-the-the-west-ridge-area-of?utm_source=facebook&utm_medium=social&utm_campaign=&loc=view-petition

West Rogers Park, Chicago’s longest-running Jewish neighborhood, is the subject of a 25-minute film for the whole family (just about).  “Driving West Rogers Park:  Chicago’s Once and Future Jewish Neighborhood”

As part of JNDC’s commitment to bridge building both within and beyond the Jewish community – and to promoting economic vitality in West Rogers Park — JNDC is facilitating connections

“Grab the binoculars and watch for songbirds and warblers,” suggests Jason Steger of the Chicago Park District’s Department of Cultural and Natural Resources, visiting his prairie restoration project along Kedzie

Enlisting the help of government officials on the state and federal level, JNDC  is working to identify funding opportunities to support the acquisition of an EMS vehicle for Chicago’s 50th

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