(Photo above taken at Monarch Club field trip to Notebaert Museum.)

Throughout the summer of 2024, JNDC’s nature programs at Park 538 provided the community with enriching opportunities to connect with nature. From the Monarch Butterfly Club to Bird and Nature Walks, participants engaged in hands-on learning experiences and enjoyed exploring the natural beauty of our neighborhood park.
The Monarch Butterfly Club offered activities where members learned about the butterfly life cycle, observed butterfly wing coloration, and searched for monarch eggs on milkweed plants. The season culminated with a group field trip to Peggy Notebaert Nature Museum.
Our Bird and Nature Walks brought the community together to observe various bird species and habitats within the park.
JNDC is proud to have offered these programs for the past four years, helping to build Park 538 into a significant community destination. These initiatives provide a fantastic way for community members to deepen their understanding of nature while enjoying outdoor spaces.
We extend our thanks to our dedicated volunteer leaders and our partner organizations, Chicago Bird Alliance and Peggy Notebeart Nature Museum, and to all who participated!