Shops Get Help with Repairs & More Thanks to JNDC Advocacy
When Tel Aviv Bakery and Kol Tuv Market were vandalized in January, JNDC lobbied the Devon SSA to help reimburse the shopkeepers for the cost of repairs, and we succeeded. SSAs (Special Service Areas) receive property tax funding to enhance business districts. Our request led to SSA approval of a Criminal Damage Repair Program, for all 4 north-side SSAs managed by the Rogers Park Business Alliance (RPBA).
Stores making repairs due to criminal damage or vandalism can get a rebate of 50% of costs not covered by insurance, up to $2000. To be eligible, they must file a police report and repair promptly, which is good for all shops in the neighborhood.
“JNDC has helped us tremendously in connecting businesses to SSA funding and services and in providing feedback that led to new SSA programs to aid businesses,” said Cindy Plante, RPBA economic development manager.